MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff Sondeen (sondeen AT ISI DOT EDU)
Date: Sun Sep 28 2003 - 19:49:11 EDT

  • Next message: Jeff Sondeen: "Re: genericcontact"

    cfk writes:
     > 1. Is "Is SCN5M_DEEP.12.tech27" the appropriate technology file for .25um
     > studies?"
    yes, if you want the 'deep' variant of scmos rules.
     > 2. Is "Is SCN6M_DEEP.09.tech27" the appropriate technology file for .18um
     > studies?"
     > 3. What is the appropriate technology file for .13um studies?
    since there isn't one yet, just assume they will accept 'deep' variant
    (at smaller value of lamnda) and so use SCN6M_DEEP.09.tech27" for now.
    it will probably have 8 metals, tho.
     > 4. What is the appropriate technology file for .09um studies?
    if you look at some vendor rules for .13 and especially .09, tho,
    you'll see that there're a lot of new types of drc rules, not very
    friendly to the magic design style.  things like, an edge of select
    and an edge of well can't align (or something like that, i forget the
    details), so enforcing such a rule when you're not drawing the layers
    (since magic generates them) is tough.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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