MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jake Hill (jah AT alien DOT
Date: Mon Dec 29 2003 - 08:27:34 EST

  • Next message: Jake Hill: "Building magic-7.2.61 (patch)"

    I am having problems applying labels in Magic. I can bring up the
    netlist menu with;
        :specialopen netlist
    Then I click the current label button and a prompt appears in the
    console, where I can type the name of a label. This prompt looks strange
    because there appears to be a character already at the start of the line
    (looks like a space).
    I type a label and press return. I type another label and press return
    twice, but nothing happens in the Label/Netlist window. If I now right
    click in the current label button, I can now see the name of the first
    label I typed, but it is preceeded by "\n". If I try to place this label
    I get an error message;
        Label name contains illegal control character 0xa
    Each time I right click the current label button, the labels I entered
    are added one by one until I have;
    where 'first' and 'second' are the names of the labels I typed. I see
    this same behaviour from both 7.2.60 and also 7.3.9 versions running
    under Red Hat Linux 9.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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