MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 10:12:31 EST

  • Next message: Michael Doster: "Re: Build Problems in libsim on OSX"

    Dear Albert,
    > I can invoke magic with "magic -w -dOGL -T technologyfile". I can see
    > the 
    > layout
    > refresh rate is slower with -dOGL enable but get a blank window when
    > using
    > "specialopen wind3d" command. 
    The refresh rate depends heavily on the video card used.  My Matrox
    card is noticeably slower with the OpenGL graphics, but the NVidia
    card on my laptop is significantly faster.  I'm very happy with the
    NVidia card and their drivers.
    The "specialopen wind3d" depends on extra information in the technology
    file, which otherwise contains no information on how to arrange layers
    vertically.  The main reason it's blank, though, is because it starts
    out in the mode where it draws CIF layers, not magic layers (because
    contacts look a lot better when drawn as the CIF/GDS contact cuts), and
    the tech file has to be told explicitly what drawing style to use for
    each CIF/GDS layer.
    There is some possibility that problems could be caused by the video
    card's handling of multiple and possibly overlapping OpenGL windows
    on the screen at the same time, but I think this is unlikely.
    > 2) Is there any documents discussed how to create the postscript
    > style of 
    > plot
    > section in the technology file? I want to modify an existing
    > technology file 
    > to
    > input GDS file and output GDS and postscript files.
    section "Technology File Improvements", item 7.  Usually the easiest
    route is to modify the section that comes in the "" or
    "scmos.tech27" file in the distribution, and change or add layer
    names as needed.  Item 3 on the same web page outlines the format
    for getting the 3D output to show up in the 3D window.
    To check whether the 3D window is really working right, use the
    default techfile (just "magic -d OGL -w"), paint a rectangle in
    metal1, then do "specialopen wind3d".  If the rectangle doesn't
    appear in the 3D window, then probably the card or code is at
    fault, not the tech file.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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