MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Tue Mar 02 2004 - 10:10:43 EST

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Re: labels in magic"

    Dear Albert,
    > I used the postscript viewers (KGhostview and Gnome Ghostview) from Redhat 
    > to read the postscript output file but they can't read it.
    >> Error: /undefined in ninit
       The PostScript problem appears to be that the prolog (setup, definitions,
    etc.) was not added to the top of the file.  This is probably due to an
    incorrect installation, and magic cannot find the file "" which
    is supposed to be in $CAD_HOME/lib/magic/sys/
    > I tried to input a large GDS layoout file (10 Mbytes) into Magic. I found 
    > that the cell manager doesn't show me the name of all the cells before
    > I load the topcell. It displays the name of all the instances under the
    > topcell icon in the cell manager windows. It seems to be some problems
    > with the wrapper.
       Yes, I haven't worked out all the bugs in the cell manager window yet.
    > I still can see the name of all the cells in the Tcl console window
    > as well as loading them one by one. However, Magic is not very responsive 
    > after I switch from cell to cell. It will pause for a few minutes before
    > it will pass the control of Magic back to me.
       The cell hierarchy widget in BLT, which is used by the "cell manager"
    is unfortunately very slow in its updates, and does create a bottleneck.
    In older revisions of magic, closing the cell manager window would "unmap"
    the window, but the widget remained, and so did the bottleneck.  Sometime
    late last year, when I was working with some really big chips, I changed
    the behavior, so that if you close the "cell manager" window, it will be
    ignored.  For large chips, I suggest that you keep the cell manager
    window closed except when you need it (actually, I think 10 MBytes is a
    rather small GDS file; the one I was looking at was 2 GBbytes!  But the
    cell manager refresh time depends more on the total number of cells in
    the design).
    > I can read this GDS layout file into Magic but I can't see the layout 
    > displayed correctly on screen. I would like to understand what is the
    > relationship between the layout colors on the toolbar and dstyle. How
    > can I find out what dstyle file (dsytle and dsytle6) are currently
    > used by Magic? Does the layout colors have a one-to-one relationship
    > with the "layout_styles" section of the dstyle file?
    Essentially all tech files use the same display style files.  There are
    three different files, depending on whether you are running in 8-bit
    graphics mode, 24-bit (32-bit) graphics mode, or OpenGL.  These files
    are in $CAD_HOME/lib/magic/sys/, and their names are "mos.7bit.dstyle",
    "mos.24bit.dstyle", and "mos.OpenGL.dstyle" (older versions of magic
    have the extension "dstyle6" and even older ones use "dstyle5").  These
    files are very difficult to understand (even for me).  I have done a
    lot of work (especially in magic-7.3) to make these file more readable.
    Still, most of these updates have not propagated to the technology
    The tech file lists, for each layer type, one or more style numbers.
    These numbers correspond to the numbers in the ".dstyle" file.
    However, magic layers are drawn by drawing each style in turn, not
    each layer in turn, so it is very easy to specify a style that gets
    obscured (overdrawn) by another one, so that what shows up on the
    screen is not what you expect.
    Also remember that, if you are reading a GDS file, your layout goes
    through another set of translations between the GDS layers and the
    magic layers, as defined by the operations in the "cifinput" section
    of the technology file.
    All the information on display styles is written up in "" (in
    the distribution subdirectory "doc/psfiles"), which is also available
    as a PDF file on my website for magic.  I have not updated this document
    to include the updates I have made to the file formats.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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