MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Fri Mar 26 2004 - 09:03:50 EST

  • Next message: Michael Bajura: "Re: Magic and OSX issues -- one more item"

    Dear Mike,
    Thanks for the feedback.  Here's the response:
    > 1) I seem to be getting errors because there are extra spaces around the
    > "=" sign on the LDDL_FLAGS line, I also seem to be getting errors because
    > there are no "'s in the LDFLAGS line.
    Okay, that's easy to fix.
    > 2) Also, later in the script there's an unconditional test for $GCC
    > Which unconditionally adds
    > "-Wl,--version-script=\${MAGICDIR}/magic/\" on to the end
    > of LDDL_FLAGS.
    > Apparently the compiler that comes with mac OSX 10.3 is already called "gcc"
    > and does NOT accept these options.  Maybe this test should be under the
    > "darwin" test earlier in the script?
    Actually, I worked on this problem Wednesday because the same thing happens
    on Solaris.  The problem is that the compiler is "gcc" but those particular
    flags are sent to the linker.  The linker is called "ld" (in Solaris, at
    least) but GNU's "ld" takes different arguments than the Solaris "ld".  I
    assume the same thing happens in OSX.  A fix is in the "current revision
    64" (I updated without changing the revision number because I thought the
    issue was only restricted to a handful of Solaris systems).  However, I
    am not sure what options need to be passed to the OS-X linker when that
    linker is *not* GNU ld.  Hopefully somebody can clue me in on this.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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