MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Michael Bajura (mbajura AT isi DOT edu)
Date: Fri Mar 26 2004 - 09:33:27 EST

  • Next message: Twirchniaskyi: "Fwd:In-crease Your Manhood By 3+inches!!.........formulator"

    Hey Tim,
    Great to hear from you.  I was wondering whether anyone was out there after
    I got several bounced messages from full mailboxes.
    There was also one other fix in scripts/configure:
    Around line 8200 in the "darwin" section, it adds the flag "-bind_at_load"
    to LDDL_FLAGS.  This flag isn't recognized either.  I am not sure whether
    it's needed or what it does.  The only change I tried was "-noprebind"
    instead (the most similar sounding option on the man page).  After that
    everything linked and I was able to get magic started.
    Changed from:
          LDDL_FLAGS="-dynamiclib -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
    Changed to:
          LDDL_FLAGS="-dynamiclib -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
    I am running MAX OS X 10.3.3.
    On 3/26/04 9:03, "R. Timothy Edwards" <tim AT stravinsky DOT> wrote:
    > Dear Mike,
    > Thanks for the feedback.  Here's the response:
    >> 1) I seem to be getting errors because there are extra spaces around the
    >> "=" sign on the LDDL_FLAGS line, I also seem to be getting errors because
    >> there are no "'s in the LDFLAGS line.
    > Okay, that's easy to fix.
    >> 2) Also, later in the script there's an unconditional test for $GCC
    >> Which unconditionally adds
    >> "-Wl,--version-script=\${MAGICDIR}/magic/\" on to the end
    >> of LDDL_FLAGS.
    >> Apparently the compiler that comes with mac OSX 10.3 is already called "gcc"
    >> and does NOT accept these options.  Maybe this test should be under the
    >> "darwin" test earlier in the script?
    > Actually, I worked on this problem Wednesday because the same thing happens
    > on Solaris.  The problem is that the compiler is "gcc" but those particular
    > flags are sent to the linker.  The linker is called "ld" (in Solaris, at
    > least) but GNU's "ld" takes different arguments than the Solaris "ld".  I
    > assume the same thing happens in OSX.  A fix is in the "current revision
    > 64" (I updated without changing the revision number because I thought the
    > issue was only restricted to a handful of Solaris systems).  However, I
    > am not sure what options need to be passed to the OS-X linker when that
    > linker is *not* GNU ld.  Hopefully somebody can clue me in on this.
    > Regards,
    > Tim
    Dr. Michael Bajura, Computer Scientist
    Information Sciences Institute
    University of Southern California, Viterbi School of Engineering
    3811 Fairfax Drive Suite 200
    Arlington, VA  22203
    Tel 703-812-3719
    Fax 703-812-3712
    Email mbajura AT isi DOT edu

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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