Asynchronous VLSI and Architecture
Cornell University

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The group is moving to Yale in January 2017.

The asynchronous VLSI and architecture group is part of the Computer Systems Laboratory at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell Engineering. Our group uses formal synthesis methods for the design of provably correct, highly concurrent, reliable, and robust asynchronous systems.

Our group spans two locations: Cornell's main campus in Ithaca, NY and Cornell's new Tech campus in New York City. Typically students spend their first year at the Ithaca campus, and then move to NYC for the rest of their Ph.D.

The asynchronous VLSI and architecture group is primarily supported by research grants from the US government. Government sponsors include the National Science Foundation, the Defense and Advanced Research Projects Agency, Air Force Research Labs, and the Office of Naval Research.

The research directions of the group are summarized in the following brochure.

webmaster@vlsi.cornell.eduIthaca . Directions to CSL