The group offers courses in asynchronous VLSI design. Other related
courses are offered by members of the ECE and CS departments.
Senior/grad-level courses that have been taught by the group:
- ECE 4740: Digital VLSI Design.
- CS 5191: Studio.
- CS 5432: Physical Computing.
- CS 5460: Parallel and Distributed Computing.
- ECE 5710: Arithmetic Circuits.
- ECE 5740: Advanced Digital VLSI.
- ECE 6950: Topics in Computer Systems: Dynamic Binary Translation
- Clinic: Math for Analytics.
Senior/grad-level courses taught by ECE/CS faculty that should be of interest:
- CS 4120: Introduction to Compilers.
- CS 4410: Operating Systems.
- CS 4780: Machine Learning.
- ECE 4750: Computer Architecture.
- ECE 5040: Neural and Bioelectronic Interfaces.
- ECE 5720: Parallel Computer Architecture.
- ECE 5730: Memory Systems.
- ECE 5750: Advanced Microprocessor Architecture.
- ECE 5770: Resilient Computer Systems.