
After Installation

See post-installation instructions for setting up your environment.

Distributed Docs

The following pages are generated from the source distribution, using GNU TexInfo and texi2dvi.

Quick Start

Here are some steps you can run to test out some tools by hand.
  1. Paste the following test into test.hac:
    defproc inv(bool a, b) {
    prs {
        a => b-
    bool x, y;
    inv z(x, y);
  2. Compile:
    $ haco test.hac test.haco
  3. Run simulator:
    $ hacprsim test.haco
    prsim> watchall
    prsim> get a
    a : X
    prsim> set a 1
    prsim> cycle
    0   a : 1
    10  b : 0 [by a:1]