MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 16:25:35 EDT

> >believe me, since i learned this first hand (read that, chip failure),
> >the "diode" between ohmic and diffusion *is* a short in all
> >*silicided* processes; silicide is metal put into the diffusions to
> >lower the resistance.  it does it so well that in some of HP's
> >standard library cells, there're no actual contacts to ohmics which
> >abut diffusion (rather the contact to diffusion is enough for both).
> Interesting... My counter argument would be that you should not
> be using p+/n+ diodes for anything.. Besides I don't know of any
> sane person who would want i.e. their clock buffer powered through
> silicide. If HP does it in their standard cells I am sure they have
> some way of verifying the IR drop and electromigration problems
> this creates (otherwise I feel sorry for them). Since however you
> don't supply any such tool with your tech file you should not
> leave open such a huge methodology hole..

maybe i've misunderstood you.  what i'm talking about is that, if you
look at the attached .mag file with a non-silicided process techfile,
like SCNA.80.tech27, the wells labelled 'pw' and 'nw' will *not* be
connected to gnd and vdd, respectively, since there will be n+/p+
junctions between the transistor diffusions and the ohmic diffusions
(well-contacts).  however, if you use a silicided process techfile,
like SCN3M_SUBM.30.tech27, you will see that the wells are connected
to their respective supplies, since the silicide removes those n+/p+
junctions, reflecting the fabricated part.  it may be a "weak"
connection but it doesn't have to carry much current (hopefully) to
keep the wells biased.  however, how can i make this clearer, it's NOT

tech scmos
timestamp 954965243
<< nwell >>
rect 3 24 19 48
<< pwell >>
rect 3 0 19 24
<< ntransistor >>
rect 9 12 13 14
<< ptransistor >>
rect 9 34 13 36
<< ndiffusion >>
rect 9 14 13 15
rect 9 11 13 12
<< pdiffusion >>
rect 9 36 13 37
rect 9 33 13 34
<< ndcontact >>
rect 9 15 13 19
rect 9 7 13 11
<< pdcontact >>
rect 9 37 13 41
rect 9 29 13 33
<< psubstratepdiff >>
rect 9 3 13 7
<< nsubstratendiff >>
rect 9 41 13 45
<< polysilicon >>
rect 4 34 9 36
rect 13 34 15 36
rect 4 26 6 34
rect 4 14 6 22
rect 4 12 9 14
rect 13 12 15 14
<< polycontact >>
rect 2 22 6 26
<< metal1 >>
rect 0 41 19 45
rect 0 37 9 41
rect 13 37 19 41
rect 9 26 13 29
rect 9 22 17 26
rect 9 19 13 22
rect 0 7 9 11
rect 13 7 19 11
rect 0 3 19 7
<< labels >>
rlabel metal1 6 7 6 7 2 gnd:1
rlabel metal1 6 41 6 41 4 vdd:1
rlabel pwell 17 18 17 18 7 pw
rlabel nwell 17 29 17 29 7 nw
<< end >>

Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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