MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 20:57:08 EST

  • Next message: cfk: "Re: Why magic?"

    Dear Tim:
        Got both TxFlushOut and cellmgr segfault under control The first one was
    a need to do a make clean between compiling with and without Tcl and the
    second was a lack of the BLT package (blt2.4z now loaded on all systems).
        1. I have been studying the netlist menu and tut7b today and find an
    interesting behavior. When I do "magic -w tut7b" followed by a ";specialopen
    netlist", I can then right click in the Netlist box in the netlist menu and
    it fills in tut7b. I outline a pad, say "right1" with the box and right
    click on the label box, I get a prompt on the Tcl command window that says
    "Enter labels, one per line, ...". Entering a label name such as "right1"
    causes Tcl to indicate an "invalid command name "right1". Right clicking on
    the Label box in the netlist menu causes  the box to be filled with "command
    name "magic::.." and the rest is outside the box. Either I'm doing something
    really dumb, or there is an interaction twixt Tcl and netmenu.
        2. On a seperate but related subject, I am trying to extract a spice
    netlist. I can load an inverter from say the UKANS web site library
    "invf100.mag" and "extract", followed by "exttospice" from within magic. The
    invf100.spice file has L & W filled in, but AD, AS, PD and PS are all zero.
    I have tried just drawing poly over ndiff with various tech27 files and I
    get the same thing (L,W OK, areas & perims are zero).  There must be a trick
    to get non-zero areas and perimeters from the extraction. I have studied the
    .ext files and they seem to make sense, its just the .spice that has zero
    areas & perims.
        3. I think the cursor is sufficiently useful to be considered as an
    uncommented feature (wrapper.tcl, line 797 as we previously discussed). If
    it turns out that speed of update is an issue on slower computers (and I
    dont see an issue with a 500Mhz pentium), a simple trick is to only update
    the text in the window when it changes, ie (oldX != newX && oldY != newY),
    this would only update the print statement when the mouse moves. Its a trick
    I have used before and it works well.
        p.s. This is not criticism, just trying to help you move 7.2 along.
        p.p.s 7.2.29 compiles fine, no TxFlushOut once I do a make clean,
    loading up 7.2.30 now.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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