MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: John Geisz (john_geisz AT nrel DOT gov)
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 12:53:17 EST

  • Next message: Stefan Robert: "Re: magic compile---correction & addendum"

    I had Magic 7.2.29 (X11 only) working with fink tcltk and Apple's X11 
    beta 2 . Immediately after upgrading to Apple's X11 beta 3, I started 
    to have colormapping problems. I get this in the  console:
    Warning:   Cannot match colormap of wrapper to layout.
    This is what apple has to say about changes between beta 2 and beta 3 
    Added Pseudocolor (8-bit) visual plane support so applications 
    requiring 8 bit support should find the visuals by default. You can 
    also add "-depth 8" (see Xquartz man page) when starting the X Server 
    if you want to run it only in 8 bit mode, which is unrecommended as 
    OpenGL support is not available in 8 bit mode.
    So I think this is where the problem appeared. Hope someone can figure 
    how to deal with it.
    On Sunday, March 30, 2003, at 02:04  PM, Stefan Robert wrote:
    > Hi again,
    > Now that I got magic to compile on MacOS X, when I run "magic -w 
    > -Tmytech" I get this error/warning at the console:
    > Magic 7.2 - Compiled on Sun Mar 30 14:53:28 EST 2003.
    > Using Tk console window
    > Using PseudoColor, VisualID 0x43 depth 8
    > Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    > Only 124 contiguous colors were available.
    > Then, magic is totally unusable. All colors are mixed up and the layer 
    > tablet is also all mixed up.
    > This is the same error Svenn Are Bjerkem got a little while back. I 
    > failed to find the solution to this on the mailing list...
    > I did not have this problem before when I used magic 7.1... However, 
    > since I installed Apple X11... I can not get magic to work properly 
    > from my computer. I mean I did try magic 7.1 in remote from a Sun 
    > computer and I had no problem with color but when I run it local... 
    > this is where all colors get mixed up. I guess this is a local setting 
    > problem... but what could be the problem?
    > Can someone help?
    > Best Regards,
    > Stefan

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