MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Stefan Robert (srobert AT hermes DOT
Date: Sun Mar 30 2003 - 16:04:01 EST

  • Next message: cfk: "Re: snag compiling latest magic-7.2.32"

    Hi again,
    Now that I got magic to compile on MacOS X, when I run "magic -w 
    -Tmytech" I get this error/warning at the console:
    Magic 7.2 - Compiled on Sun Mar 30 14:53:28 EST 2003.
    Using Tk console window
    Using PseudoColor, VisualID 0x43 depth 8
    Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    Only 124 contiguous colors were available.
    Then, magic is totally unusable. All colors are mixed up and the layer 
    tablet is also all mixed up.
    This is the same error Svenn Are Bjerkem got a little while back. I 
    failed to find the solution to this on the mailing list...
    I did not have this problem before when I used magic 7.1... However, 
    since I installed Apple X11... I can not get magic to work properly 
    from my computer. I mean I did try magic 7.1 in remote from a Sun 
    computer and I had no problem with color but when I run it local... 
    this is where all colors get mixed up. I guess this is a local setting 
    problem... but what could be the problem?
    Can someone help?
    Best Regards,

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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