MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Sat Apr 19 2003 - 16:54:24 EDT

  • Next message: cfk: "CIF & GDS"

     We seem to have either taken a step backwards with tclspice and magic, or
    my  understanding has taken a step backwards. Heres the current state. I
    compiled the latest magic-7.2.36 and the latest tclspice-0.2.9. I can invoke
    'magic -w invlay' for my test inverter. I can also invoke 'package require
    spice', 'spice::version' 'spice::source testx_trans.cir' and 'spice::run'
    all with no problem and the output goes to the tcl window (thank you very
    much Stefan). I can also go 'spice::show' and see parameters,
    'spice::plot_vars 0' and see a 7 returned and  'spice::plot_datapoints 0'
    and  see vcc#branch, vin#branch, gnd, out in vdd and time all from within
     The problems start when I attempt to plot. The invocation of plot is
    different in order to avoid namespace collision with magic's plot command.
     Unfortunately, I dont quite grok the new one. 'spice::plot in out' says
    "Cant open viewport for graphics", spice_init_gui testx_trans.cir clears the
    magic window and the layout is gone. Invoking 'spice::spicetoblt in' begets
    'Wrong no of args', "spice::spicetoblt in out" says out is a bad blt vector.
     I can invoke irsim from within magic still, and set in lo and then hi and
    step it while tclspice is running, and that is very good, by going:
     graphnode in
     graphnode out 1     (sets out below in)
     l in
     h in
     And voila, irsim shows the inverter actually working.
     So the question is: what is the proper invocation now with tclspice-0.2.9
    from within magic-7.2.36 to plot and how do we bridge the tclspice to magic
    gap so it is easier for a more casual user to actually, well, use.
     And again, thank you Stefan & Tim for all your hard work.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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