MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Martin, Mark (Mark.Martin AT jhuapl DOT edu)
Date: Fri May 02 2003 - 13:58:59 EDT

  • Next message: Rajit Manohar: "Re: EDIF"

    I also think this would be useful.  However, it is my understanding (Tim
    correct me if 
    I am wrong) that the router(s) in magic to put is simply, suck.  They were
    useful to tie together BIG blocks and pads and thats about it.  I distinctly
    someone I know spending more time setting up the router than I think it
    would have 
    taken to just wire the thing by hand.
    I think this naturally leads to a separate tool that does place and route.
    the new paradigm, I would think this would work in concert with magic.
    Honestly, I 
    am now out of my element.  I'm a humble (and sometimes frustrated) tool
    user. That
    said, a open source P&R tool would definitely be nice.  I'd be happy with a
    Tools quality tool since that is what I use now anyway.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: cfk [mailto:cfk AT pacbell DOT net]
    > Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 12:33 PM
    > To: magic-dev AT csl DOT
    > Subject: EDIF
    > I wonder if we can discuss EDIF or perhaps the more general 
    > topic of getting
    > a portion of a digital design expressed in Verilog or VHDL 
    > into Magic for a
    > while. Is there a way to get a netlist of a digital design into Magic
    > somehow. I can see the notion of creating a netlist by hand, 
    > but I that will
    > soon become too cumbersome.
    > If not, what is the most appropriate way to add the 
    > capability to read an
    > EDIF or EDIF like netlist into Magic for the purpose of then 
    > placing and
    > routing by hand INV, OR, AND cells and using its route 
    > command to route
    > those cells.
    > I know this pandoras box has many components, I am just 
    > trying to pick a
    > place to start that has a reasonable probability of getting as far as
    > possible with the least amount of work on the part of all concerned.
    > Charles

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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