MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Sat Oct 04 2003 - 16:55:05 EDT

  • Next message: cfk: "Studying magic-7.2.53"

    The latest magic file "magic-7.2.53.tgz" was downloaded from to /home/cad on a RedHat8
    system. The following invocations were then used:
        tar -xvzf magic-7.2.53.tgz
        cd magic-7.2.53
        cd scripts
        ./configure --with-tcl --with-opengl
        cd ..
        make tcl
        make install-tcl
        magic -w
    A good idea after the "make tcl" step is to examine make.log. There were no
    After magic -w, I did a loadLayout from the File drop down menu and
    navigated to /home/cad/vlsitech where I have a copy of Graham's vsclib and
    loaded in1v0x1 which loaded just fine.
    Based on this, I would declare magic-7.2.53.tgz succesful for compilation
    and execution of a modest cell.
    Keep up the good work, Tim
    Charles Krinke

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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