Asynchronous Computer Architecture
ULSNAP processor |
ULSNAP with real-time current profile |
What are the implications of abandoning a global clock on computer
architecture? Difficulties with global clock distribution have led
researchers to propose several alternatives to globally clocked
circuits. Globally asynchronous/locally synchronous (GALS) and locally
asynchronous/globally synchronous (LAGS) circuits are two options
being considered by other researchers.
My group investigates the case when no clocks are used in the entire
design. The results of this work can be used as-is, or in conjunction
with partially clocked designs (GALS, LAGS) that contain asynchronous
components. We are currently investigating energy and performance
characteristics of components in asynchronous architectures.
We are also investigating the impact of 3D integration on system
architecture. This raises some new issues that involve thermal management,
interconnect scaling, and system organization.
A more detailed description as to why we consider this an interesting
approach is provided in the paper A Case for
Asynchronous Computer Architecture listed below.
- Collaborators
- David Albonesi
- François Guimbretière
- Students
- David Biermann (Ph.D. 2006)
- David Fang (Ph.D. 2008)
- Julia Karl (M.S. 2015)
- Chris LaFrieda (Ph.D. 2009)
- Sean Ogden
- Tayyar Rzayev
- Basit Riaz Sheikh (Ph.D. 2011)
- Nitish Srivastava
- Publications
- Sandra Jackson and Rajit Manohar.
Gradual Synchronization.
IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC), May 2016.
(abstract) — Best paper finalist
- Rajit Manohar.
Comparing Stochastic and Deterministic Computing.
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 14(2):119--122, July 2015.
(abstract, pdf) — Best of Computer Architecture Letters
- Paul A. Merolla, John V. Arthur, Rodrigo Alvarez-Icaza, Andrew S. Cassidy, Jun Sawada, Filipp Akopyan, Bryan L. Jackson, Nabil Imam, Chen Guo, Yutaka Nakamura, Bernad Brezzo, Ivan Vo, Steven K. Esser, Rathinakumar Appuswamy, Brian Taba, Arnon Amir, Myron D. Flickner, William P. Risk, Rajit Manohar, and Dharmendra Modha.
A Million Spiking-Neuron Integrated Circuit with a Scalable Communication Network and Interface.
Science, 345(6197):668--673, August 2014.
(abstract, pdf) — IBM Research 2014 Pat Goldberg Math/CS/EE Best Paper Award
- Jaeyeon Kihm, François Guimbretière, Julia Karl, Rajit Manohar.
Using Asymmetric Cores to Reduce Power Consumption for Interactive Devices with Bi-Stable Displays.
Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), April 2014.
(abstract, pdf)
- Carlos Tadeo Ortega Otero, Jonathan Tse, Robert Karmazin, Benjamin Hill, Rajit Manohar.
ULSNAP: An Ultra-low Power Event-Driven Microcontroller for Sensor Network Nodes.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, March 2014.
(abstract, pdf)
- François Guimbretière, Shenwei Liu, Han Wang, Rajit Manohar.
An Asymmetric Dual-Processor Architecture for Low Power Information Appliances.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 13(4), February 2014.
(abstract, pdf)
- Christopher LaFrieda, Engin Ipek, Jose Martinez, and Rajit Manohar.
Utilizing dynamically coupled cores to form a resilient chip multiprocessor.
Proc. International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June 2007.
(abstract, pdf)
- Jon Russo, Mohammed Amduka, Keith Pendersen, Richard Lethin, Jonathan Springer, Rajit Manohar, Rami Melhem.
Enabling Cognitive Architectures for UAV Mission Planning.
Proceedings of the High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop (HPEC), September 2006.
(abstract, pdf) — Best paper award
- Virantha Ekanayake, Clinton Kelly IV, and Rajit Manohar.
BitSNAP: Dynamic Significance Compression for a Low Power Sensor Network Asynchronous Processor.
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC), March 2005.
(abstract, pdf, ps) — Best paper finalist
- Rajit Manohar and K. Mani Chandy.
Δ-Dataflow Networks for Event Stream Processing.
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, November 2004.
(abstract, pdf, ps) — Best paper award
- Virantha Ekanayake, Clinton Kelly IV, and Rajit Manohar.
An Ultra-low-power Processor for Sensor Networks.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), October 2004.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- David Biermann, Emin Gun Sirer, and Rajit Manohar.
A Rate Matching-based Approach to Dynamic Voltage Scaling.
Proceedings of the First Watson Conference on the Interaction between Architecture, Circuits, and Compilers, October 2004.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- David Fang and Rajit Manohar.
Non-Uniform Access Asynchronous Register Files.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC), April 2004.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- Clinton Kelly IV and Rajit Manohar.
An Event-Synchronization Protocol for Parallel Simulation of Large-Scale Wireless Networks.
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, October 2003.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- Clinton Kelly IV, Virantha Ekanayake, and Rajit Manohar.
SNAP: A Sensor Network Asynchronous Processor.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC), pp. 24--33, Vancouver, BC, May 2003.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- Virantha Ekanayake and Rajit Manohar.
Asynchronous DRAM Design and Synthesis.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC), pp. 174--183, Vancouver, BC, May 2003.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- Rajit Manohar and Clinton Kelly IV.
Network on a Chip: Modeling Wireless Networks with Asynchronous VLSI.
IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 149--155, November 2001.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- Rajit Manohar.
Width-Adaptive Data Word Architectures.
Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI (ARVLSI), pp. 112--129, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2001.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- Rajit Manohar, Mika Nyström, and Alain J. Martin.
Precise Exceptions in Asynchronous Processors.
Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI (ARVLSI), pp. 16--28, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2001.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- Rajit Manohar.
A Case for Asynchronous Computer Architecture.
Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Complexity-Effective Design, June 2000.
(abstract, pdf, ps)
- Rajit Manohar and Mark Heinrich.
A Case For Asynchronous Active Memories.
ISCA 2000 Solving the Memory Wall Problem Workshop, June 2000.
(abstract, ps)